Life the universe and everything in between

20/06/57 – 07/01/09
January 30, 2009, 11:02 pm
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Will miss you every day for the rest of my life mum... till we meet again. Thank you for everything you are. xo

Will miss you every day for the rest of my life mum... till we meet again. Thank you for everything you are. xo



Any excuse for a family get together I say…   but  living for 80yrs does call for a celebration 🙂

more photos . . .

Dunedin and so forth
Hey guys!
Hey guys!

Yay for finally being bothered with Picasa! check out the rest of the photos here!

Basically; had an awesome time with Mum, Ben and Anna as an early 21st birthday get together and managed to explore Dunedin and the spectacular Otago Peninsular in the process. The south island is Beautiful! i’ll be seeing you later!!

Six Reasons
Never under estimate the power of Fruit Salad!

Thou must never under estimate the power of Fruit Salad!

Six reasons why this week was awesome; in order of occurrence

1. Acquired a Futon Mattress; thus gaining some awesome nights of sleep.

2. Acquired a very nice Woman’s fencing Jacket, at a slightly uncomfortably, ridiculously yet awesome deal!

3. Attended the first of 6 intensive, educative ‘Sleep’ seminars, met amazing, friendly people and drank delicious herb teas.

4. Fencing! Another enjoyably hardcore 3hours of training and leveling up including an invitation to attend and try out Épée !

5. Post-Fencing Fruit Salad! a joint instigation and creation on behalf of Adam and myself. Extremely excellent.

6. Hysterically laughed my way through ‘Horton’ & in conversation to  mum.

Amoeba & a few words.
My latest creation for mum, of which she named; Amoeba Kip Blob -Here to make you smile (Nina not included*)

My latest creation for mum, of which she named; Amoeba Kip Blob -Here to make you smile (Nina not included*)

Cool words of the Week . . .






Weekend Review
Tea accompanied by one of George's delicously successful date scones.

Tea accompanied by one of George's deliciously successful date scones.

Well the weather wasn’t all it was hyped up to be this weekend, however we did have some pouts of heavy rain which meant an easily decidable, cosy night indoors for Friday. A power run, slash opshop, slash fabric mission was the main event of Saturday morning for Adam and I. Then lengthy conversation, a movie and the first viewings of our music video library took up the larger part of Saturday evening till 4am. Sunday (understandably) took a late start and kicked off with the usual vege market visit closely followed by the vigorous activity of baking date scones, laminations and gingerbread beings on behalf of George, Adam and myself. The rest of the day was spent drinking and enjoying tea, good company and conversation whilst also recovering from the over consumption of baked and sugar laced delights.

Go Russell Birdman 2008!
July 30, 2008, 10:40 am
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Feast upon life
Delicious on far too many nutritional, theraputic & biologicaly invigorating levels.

Mum's Breakfast: Delicious on far too many nutritional, therapeutic & biologically invigorating levels.

LOL ‘Life’ ; what a beautiful chaos it can be. From the un-explanatory saucer sized bruises to the indescribably painful & liberating situations we find ourself within. Its nice to know where ever you turn you can always find yourself and a laugh for good measure. You get out what you put in i guess and in terms of food I have to point out this particular breakfast I had one fortunate day was a particularly legendary one!

“Metal Monday” Brutality (& fun)
July 14, 2008, 6:13 am
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Metal monday george and Nina

Metal monday george and Nina

Well not quite as epic our Ninja dress up day, but a good attempt all the same. Top points to George who went all out, i seemed to be a softer form of Courtney Love which just didn’t cut the mustard against Georges kick ass eyes 🙂

my attempt at being brutal.... hmmm...

my attempt at being brutal.... hmmm...

Its times like these…

The Batch Gus, Lauren, Phebs Ducks in Rotoma lake

R&R Group photo! Group photo with Gus

View from the island Lake shore of Rotoma Sleeping for 9 Lake Rotoma Morning time from the batch

Rotoma; the second annual occurance since the tradition was established. Generally theres a whole lot of eating, drinking, talking and laughing all accomplished in with the considerably relaxed state that Rotoma seems to set upon you.

Great location, Great friends, Great times.